Once upon a time,

Los Angeles, CA (US)
Created 2 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Once upon a time,

by Julia

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $20,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 156

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $20,000.00 Goal
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $ Please input donation amount
Los Angeles, CA (US)

Julia is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Once upon a time, Matt and I had a wonderful life….


We definitely still do. We have been loving each other unconditionally for 15 years. But sometimes life gives you more than one challenge, and you need to find enough strength and faith to take them.


Last year, on the day of my birthday, we received the news that my lovely husband was diagnosed with a breast cancer, and needed to start a long process of chemotherapy treatment. This day probably meant the loss of his fertility, and obviously the incapacity to have our own baby the natural way.


We were already so scared and devastated about the disease, and adding the fact that we might never be parents on top of it was a lot to process.


We are both French, and when we believed that moving to another country was the biggest challenge of our life… it was nothing compare to this new journey.


After a couple of IUIs and one IVF treatment, I finally got pregnant. Unfortunately we lost it at 8 weeks…


As of today, I don’t have enough eggs left, and the clock is tinkling faster and faster. And if we don’t want to miss this wonderful opportunity to be parents one day, we have to move forward, take up the challenge, be strong, and keep hope and faith.


We never imagined starting a fundraising, and we feel embarrassed to share our hard reality and open our hearts.

Before launching this fundraising, we tried every possibilities to keep going on our own – for instance going to Europe for cheapest treatments…

It looked so easy to plan alternatives at first, but here we are!!!


Today, we are ready to keep going on this journey, but we need you. We need some help for our fertility treatments that we cannot afford anymore. Reading our story you are somehow already part of this journey with us.


Thank you for reading our story.

Thank you for sharing it.

Thank you for all contributions we can have.



We are throwing here “une bouteille à la mer” as we say in French – it is an expression we use to send a desperate message which may be heard and granted.


To be continued…