Support hopeful mother complete her family withIVF

Sunny Isles, FL (US)
Created 10 months ago
Fertility Treatments

Support hopeful mother complete her family withIVF

by Emma Plascencia

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $14,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $14,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Sunny Isles, FL (US)

Emma Plascencia is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Hi, my name is Emma, and I’m fundraising to help me pay the cost of my pregnancy treatment. I have tried to get pregnant for a long time (the last seven years) and have not been able to get pregnant or give birth yet. I have been pregnant twice, but my babies and I couldn’t pass the second month due to a medical condition called Hyperemesis gravidarum. However, I’m not giving up yet. This is why I decided to seek medical help to give myself another chance. I want with all my heart to finally get pregnant and make it to the birth of my child.

When I got very ill during my first pregnancy, no doctors could tell me what was happening, and they had no treatment to help me get well. Later, I got fortunate and got pregnant again, but unfortunately, my baby and I couldn’t make it to his birth due to my medical problem. Recently, early this year, I found a doctor who told me that this condition could be treated now and that I could successfully give birth this time. Hope came back for me!
I have survived this medical condition because I am a fighter, and my fight is not over.

You might be wondering, where is your children’s father? Yes, I had a husband, but he decided to leave the relationship some years ago.

I’m getting older, and my chances of having a baby are ending. This is my last chance to become a mother.

I have put together some money, but it’s not enough yet. I’m asking you to help me on this new path by donating to my fundraising. I’m seeking assistance with the financial burden of IVF, and I would be honored if you could help. Even $5 would mean the world to me.

With your help, I can pay for it and finally give birth to my baby. Thank you so much for reading!