The gift of Life

Chicago, IL (US)
Created 2 years ago
Fertility Treatments

The gift of Life

by Martina Thompson

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $15,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $15,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Chicago, IL (US)

Martina Thompson is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story

Hi my name is Martina and I have had a long journey with infertility. I started trying to conceive in 2009 after having an ectopic pregnancy that ended in a surgical mishap causing multiple corrective surgeries to follow. In 2013 while under the care of a fertility specialist I was told that my Fallopian tubes were severely damage from surgery complications and I would need to have them removed. I went through with the surgery knowing that I would only be able to conceive via IVF which was financially difficult at that moment. I lived the next 3 years coping with that fact that I wouldn’t become a mother naturally. Then by the grace of God I had some abdominal pain in 2016 and found out I still had both of my Fallopian tubes but one had to be removed due to fluid build up but there was still a chance . Fast forward to today… since finding out about my Fallopian tubes I’ve had numerous issues with ovarian cyst resulting in a surgery every year to remove it. The. I was diagnosed with PCOS and a mild case of endometriosis, so here I am again feeling defeated because all I want to do is have a baby and it was starting to seem like it was getting further and further away. I decided to do everything I could to lose weight and become a healthier me so I could increase my chances of pregnancy. I started clomid and after 3 rounds my ovaries were overstimulated cause a 9 cm ovarian tumor and multiple smaller ones to form and once again I was back in the hospital on heavy IV antibiotics and surgery to remove the tumor and cysts. So I gave up once again and focused on my health but eventually my doctor convinced me to try again. I am currently on round 4 of clomid 100mg and I’m ovulating with high numbers but still no pregnancy. My doctor recommended that I should consider IVF due to the fact that I’m ovulating but haven’t had a successful pregnancy as of yet. His biggest fear is an ectopic pregnancy happening once again due to possible tube damage which remains unknown. I have always been the amazing auntie or wonderful godmother, nurturing everyone’s kids I come in contact with, but know I want to experience that joy a mother gets when she sees her child and think s all the possibilities motherhood brings. I hope and pray that this dream becomes a reality one day .. help me make that possible.. blessings