?A Rainbow In A Storm: Let’s Celebrate Rainbow Babies

🎵 “Somewhere over the rainbow ~ Way up high ~ There’s a land that I heard of ~ Once in a lullaby ~ Somewhere over the rainbow ~Skies are blue ~ And the dreams you dare to dream ~ Really do come true…” 🎵

The Wizard of Oz

What Are Rainbow Babies?

Sometime in the last decade, the term “rainbow baby” began popping up everywhere on social media and in the news. Celebrities and ordinary couples welcomed their rainbow babies into the world, celebrating the arrival with photoshoots of their little one wrapped in rainbow garments tagged #rainbowbaby. If you are unfamiliar with this term, a rainbow baby is a baby born after the loss of a pregnancy or stillbirth. This term perfectly captures the notion that sometimes hope and joy are on the other side of darkness.

Though, having a baby after a loss brings happiness, it also brings with it a slew of other challenging emotions. A rainbow baby pregnancy is emotional, nerve-wracking, and uncertain while the birth is laden with a sense of doubt and guilt. Parents never “get over” the loss of a child, so having a new baby can oftentimes feel bitter-sweet, filled with both elation at the new life born and grief from the one that never was. While no one can completely put into words the feeling of holding your rainbow baby in your arms, these inspirational Moms do a great job sharing their experiences. In this article, we share stories of hope as well as some cute ideas for sharing your rainbow baby announcement with the world. Keep shining, rainbow mamas!

Rainbow Babies: Stories Of Hope


Lauren Tench is an endo warrior and blogger who recently shared some good news with her followers: she is pregnant! Congrats to Lauren!

“I am so excited to share some news with you all. It was a long journey and one that wasn’t easy that was filled with lots of heartache tears anxiety and many nights of no sleep and after enduring.

8 surgeries
1 ectopic pregnancy
1 miscarriage

I am pregnant.

To others struggling, I see you, I am you and I pray for you. I am so grateful and blessed that we get our rainbow baby.”


Miranda Burns is an influencer and Endo UK ambassador. After pregnancy loss and IVF, she recently shared that she is pregnant with her first child. Congrats, Miranda!

“Tris and I are overwhelming grateful to say that IVF worked. I’M PREGNANT. 🥰🥰🥰

Nothing is guaranteed in pregnancy, and we learnt that lesson so horribly, but I’ve decided that this time round I’m going to celebrate every single day and adore every single moment. I’m going to keep telling myself that this is it, until that baby is in my arms. THIS WILL BE IT.”


If you have been blessed with a rainbow baby, you may feel torn about how to announce to news to your family and friends; you likely want to honor the child you lost while expressing gratitude for the baby to be. There is nothing wrong with being cautious and in fact, it’s totally normal to be! However you share the news, it’s completely up to you, your comfort level, and your emotions. You may want to wait until the second or third trimester to tell the world about your bun in the oven, but when you do, there is no shortage of rainbow-themed gear to assist you in the celebration, while honoring your loss.

Gift of Parenthood is a registered non-profit on Amazon, so if you shop for your rainbow baby or rainbow babies online, Amazon will donate a portion of the profits from your purchase to our organization. Please use our unique link to ensure your purchase donation goes to Gift of Parenthood or just turn on AmazonSmile on your Amazon Mobile App by tapping ’Settings’ in the main menu (☰). Then tap on ‘AmazonSmile’ and follow the on-screen instructions to turn on AmazonSmile on your phone.

Here are a few ideas from Amazon to get you started:

Blessed Mama Mama-20 Oz Stoneware Rainbow Baby Coffee Cup Mug | The perfect quality coffee mug that shows the world how blessed (and caffeinated) you are!

Organic Muslin Baby Swaddle Blanket and Hat Set Newborn Unisex | Soft, cozy and perfect for photoshoots, this hat and swaddle set is as rainbow-tastic as it is practical.

After Every Storm Comes A Rainbow 2021 Dated Ornament | A sweet and sentimental ornament to adorn your tree in the winter or to decorate your home any time of the year.

Rainbow Baby Glossy White 8 x 7 Ceramic Earthenware Wall and Tabletop Frame | Share your sonogram or birth announcement photo with this adorable ceramic frame.

Happy shopping!

At the end of the day, any kind of pregnancy loss is traumatic. While not everyone will experience a rainbow in their storm, we hope that those who are struggling, tired, and at the end of their ropes will find some comfort knowing that miracles can and do happen every day. Rainbow babies are proof of miracles.

At The Gift of Parenthood organization, we look forward to welcoming more rainbow babies into the world through advanced technology and treatment options, hopefully, one day covered by insurance. In the meantime, we aim to help couples and individuals struggling with infertility achieve their dreams of becoming parents through fertility assistance grants ranging from $1,000 to $16,000, available four times a year. 

Want to help us further the cause? Donate to our organization today.

Help spread the word!

We know that money is tight for everyone right now, so we don’t make this request lightly. If you are in a position to help, please do. If not, please spread the word.

-Gift of Parenthood



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