Your Journey to Parenthood Starts Here.

Fundraise on Gift of Parenthood and win $25,000 in grant funding.


We are giving away
$25,000 in Grant Funding!

Know someone that could use it? Send some love by nominating them


Vote for one of our fundraisers by donating to their campaign:

Rated 0 out of 5

Baby Hanlon Puzzle Fundraiser: Donate Today!

by Carmella Hanlon

Saint Paul, MN (US)

Hello! We are Andrew and Carmella Hanlon and we need your help to fulfill our dream of becoming parents! We…

Raised :
Fundraising Goal
Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

Surrogacy Journey

by Luke Jones

Norman, OK (US)

Hello everyone! My name is Audra Jones and my husband is Luke Jones. We are on an incredible journey to…

Raised :
Fundraising Goal
Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

Journey to Baby Gelen

by KateLynn Gelen

Allegany, NY (US)

We are the Gelens! My name is Kate and I have been with my husband Zach for 7 years. On…

Raised :
Fundraising Goal
Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

Haislip Family Fund

by Jesse Haislip

Princeton, TX (US)

Hi, we’re Jesse and Ashley Haislip, and we’re currently facing a deeply personal and challenging journey with infertility that began…

Raised :
Fundraising Goal
Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

Journey To Baby Gallegos

by Allyson Gallegos

Sioux Falls, SD (US)

Hi! My name is Allyson and my husband is Alfredo. I have a 12 year old daughter named Lilly and…

Raised :
Fundraising Goal
Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

Amanda’s adoption journey

by Amanda Watts

Tullahoma , Tn (US)

I’ve never been someone who is capable of telling a short story, so here’s the long version. 🤣 I have…

Raised :
Fundraising Goal
Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

Alex and myself have decided to expand our family!

by Stacy Rapach-Fayer

Hampshire, IL (US)

We hope this finds you well, and wish to explain our journey to you, and why we are asking for…

Raised :
Fundraising Goal
Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

Linda and Trey journey to IVF

by Linda Truelove

Bristol, Connecticut (US)

Hello! We are Linda & Trey❤️ We have been happily together for 5 years and have been talking for a…

Raised :
Fundraising Goal
Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

Journey of Becoming Parents: Sonia and Joe

by Sonia Sharmin

Athens, GA (US)

Hi This is Sonia and this is Joe. We have been married for over four years. We are in the…

Raised :
Fundraising Goal
Days to go
Funds Raised

Start Fundraising Today

More money raised online than anywhere else. Learn about fundraising with Gift of Parenthood.
For Yourself
For a Friend
For Charity
Love, blessings and gratitude to our generous donors and partners.
❤️, Gift of Parenthood
Premiere Sponsors
Platinum Sponsors

Help spread the word!

We know that money is tight for everyone right now, so we don’t make this request lightly. If you are in a position to help, please do. If not, please spread the word.

-Gift of Parenthood



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