Shop For a Cause: 6 Unique Black Friday Gift Ideas To Support Your Infertility Warrior

2020 has had its fair share of challenges, from toilet paper shortages across the nation to lockdowns and school closures; this year hasn’t been short on chaos. For those who struggle with infertility, though, that chaos is only compounded. Research shows us that 11% of US women and 9% of US men have experienced infertility. While there are alternative methods to having a child, heterosexual and LGBTQ+ individuals may find IUI, IVF, egg and sperm donation, egg freezing, and surrogacy financially impossible. 

At the Gift of Parenthood, we take the impossible and make it possible. Our organization brings awareness to infertility while supporting families on their journey to parenthood through fertility grants. Our grants cover expenses such as IUI, IVF, egg and sperm donation, egg freezing, and surrogacy.

Amazon Smile & Gift of Parenthood

If you’re avoiding the crowds this year and completing your Black Friday shopping online, we humbly ask you to shop for a cause. The Gift of Parenthood’s mission is to help couples and individuals struggling with infertility achieve their dreams of becoming parents through fertility assistance grants, and you can help. 

With Amazon Smile, you shop for the products you want while supporting organizations that matter to you. Whether you are battling infertility yourself or love someone who is, shopping with Amazon Smile allows the Gift of Parenthood to further its mission.

Gift of Parenthood is a registered non-profit on Amazon, so no matter what you are shopping for on Black Friday, Amazon will donate a portion of the profits from your purchase to our organization. Please use our unique link to ensure your purchase donation goes to Gift of Parenthood or just turn on AmazonSmile on your Amazon Mobile App by tapping ’Settings’ in the main menu (☰). Then tap on ‘AmazonSmile’ and follow the on-screen instructions to turn on AmazonSmile on your phone.

Here’s how to enable Amazon Smile on your mobile App:

To get you inspired, we have compiled our Top 6 Unique Black Friday Gift Ideas To Support Your Infertility Warrior.

Each of these gifts can be purchased on Amazon Smile online or in your mobile app.

Our Top 6 Unique Black Friday Gift Ideas To Support Your Infertility Warrior

  1. Infreakinfertility: How To Survive When Getting Pregnant Gets Hard – $16.95

Sometimes, when things are hard, the best medicine is a little laughter. This uplifting book is filled with practical tips on coping with infertility, written by a real-life infertility warrior. What makes this paperback unique is that it breaks infertility challenges into sections and gives you the male and female perspective on each issue. 

If you or your loved one struggle to explain your emotions about infertility to others, this little book will help you find the right words. 

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Review: “I’ve been on my infertility journey for over 5 years now. This is a book of options and healing. I would strongly suggest this to ALL folx dealing with infertility.”

  1. Infertility Coloring Book: An Assortment Of Infertility Inspired Designs To Help You Relax And Relieve Stress During Your Journey

What better way to relax and relieve tension than by coloring? This childhood activity can take you or your loved one’s mind off of the negative in minutes. Simply grab some colored pencils and let the 34 pages of infertility inspired designs and inspirational quotes melt away your stress. 

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Review: “I love this coloring book! The pictures and phrases are so perfect! This is a perfect distraction for someone going through such a tough time. It also makes a great gift!”

  1. IVF Pineapple Gifts/Infertility Warrior Bracelet – $12.89

Pineapples have become the unofficial symbol of infertility. The spiky green thorns resemble a crown reminding infertility warriors that they should stand tall amidst their challenges. There are also some claims that the sweet and tangy tropical fruit can help with IVF implantation. This simplistic yet beautiful bracelet will serve as a daily reminder to persevere despite the obstacles. 

  1. Girlfriend’s Guide To Infertility: A Planner To Keep You Organized + Stay Fearless – $34.99

Sometimes, you just need a friend to lean on. The Girlfriend’s Guide to Infertility is that friend in book form. This paperback book includes an ovulation cycle planner, medication tracker, and journal all in one. There is also a handy guide to help you prep for your first doctor’s visit. When you or your loved one needs a little extra help with mindset, this guide is the perfect solution. 

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Review: “A friend sent this to me, and I am SO happy to have a pretty, organized place to organize all my thoughts, meds, and every step along the way! This is a tough process, and having something make it simpler is a blessing.”

  1. Infertility And PTSD: The Uncharted Storm – $19.95

It’s relatively well-known that infertility can cause an array of mental health issues like anxiety and depression. A lesser known side-effect of being unable to have children is post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. “Infertility and PTSD: The Uncharted Storm” dives into this condition, supports the men and women experiencing infertility-triggered PTSD, and gives perspective to family and friends who want to help.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Review: “If you’re looking for help working through the emotional challenges of infertility and loss, please read this book. This book takes a scientific perspective to explain why someone feels so bad and what has been proven to help. If you know someone with infertility, do them a favor and read this book to learn why they are suffering and how you can be supportive.”

  1. One In Eight Infertility Awareness Women’s Shirt – $26.00

Though infertility is painful, there is hope. Spread awareness with this ultra-soft heather slate blue shirt printed with the phrase, “I Am One in Eight #infertilityawareness” This shirt is completely customizable and available in size XS – 2XL. 

About Our Organization 

For many, the path to parenthood is an uphill battle; however, we believe that all things are possible with a little hope at the Gift of Parenthood. We work to spread hope by granting individuals and couples, just like you, the financial means to undergo advanced fertility treatments and gestational surrogacy. 

You can apply for a grant or donate to our cause directly here.

Help spread the word!

We know that money is tight for everyone right now, so we don’t make this request lightly. If you are in a position to help, please do. If not, please spread the word.

-Gift of Parenthood



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