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Showing 3121–3132 of 5521 results

Campaigns by: Anonymous

Rated 0 out of 5

Help give us a gift of a lifetime

by Kalvin Contreras

Dayton, OH (US)

Me (Kalvin) and my wife (Larissa) had always planned to grow our beautiful family. She came to me with a…

Raised :
Fundraising Goal
Days to go
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Rated 0 out of 5

Help me become a mom again after lost 13 years ago

by randi johnson

Wilson, nc (US)

Hello you guys. My name is Randi Johnson. I am 30 years old and trying to become a mom again.…

Raised :
Fundraising Goal
Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

The Labordes IVF

by Kailey Laborde

Heath, TX (US)

My name is Kailey! At 21 I started dating the most wonderful man! After a year of us dating I…

Raised :
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Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5


by Kawana Goode

, (US)

My name is Kawana and me and my husband been trying to receive a baby since 2012 I had two…

Raised :
Fundraising Goal
Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

Marvin and Tias Journey

by Tia Williams

Elgin, SC (US)

Hi my name is Tia and have been recently diagnosed with infertility due to possible inflammation since my miscarriage in…

Raised :
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Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

Praying to be a mother

by Taniya Starling

Orlando, FL (US)

Hi my name is tenaya starling I'm a 32-year-old female whose biggest dream is to become a mother for a…

Raised :
Fundraising Goal
Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

Help me get my bundle of joy !

by Amanda Weakley

Lakewood, OHIO (US)

My name is Amanda, i have been trying to conceive naturally for over 2 years now Unfortunately due to ectopic…

Raised :
Fundraising Goal
Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

Praying for a McCurdy Miracle

by Monica McCurdy

Centralia, MO (US)

Seth and I met in January of 2017 and got married in December of 2017. We have 3 fur babies,…

Raised :
Fundraising Goal
Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

Tay’s IVF Journey

by Taylor Loedding

Williamsport, PA (US)

Hi there! My name is Taylor and I have been on the solo path to pregnancy for a few years…

Raised :
Fundraising Goal
Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

Starting a family

by Jessica Salinas

Houston, TX (US)

My name is Jessica , and due to an abusive relationship in the past , I can no longer have…

Raised :
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Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

I’m trying to have a baby my husband left me

by Tarkenna Bennett

Atlanta, Georgia (US)

My name is Tarkenna I have been trying to have a baby for years and couldn’t have on I was…

Raised :
Fundraising Goal
Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

Morgan Family Rainbow Baby

by Brittany Morgan

Auburn, GA (US)

Hello, my name is Brittany and my husband’s name is Demetri. In 2020, my husband and I got married and…

Raised :
Fundraising Goal
Days to go
Funds Raised

Help spread the word!

We know that money is tight for everyone right now, so we don’t make this request lightly. If you are in a position to help, please do. If not, please spread the word.

-Gift of Parenthood


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