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Showing 6325–6336 of 6468 results
Completing our Family
Mike and I have been married 10 years this July 2022. We have 2 wonderful boys and have been trying…
B&B’s 5th year infertility journey <3
Hello, my name is Brittany. My husband and I have been married for over 6 years now! We started trying…
Help Meranda&robert become parents!
My name is Meranda & my husbands name is Robert Rogers. We have been trying to conceive continuously for over…
IVF Treatment for Jesse & Olivia
My name is Olivia. I am married to Jesse, and we want to have a child of our own together.…
My Journey to Motherhood
Hello, my name is Jacqueline. Please take the time to read my story below. Where do I begin? It all…
are trying to start a family! We began our journey in February 2021 and we found out my wife tubes…
Anderson IVF Fundraiser
We are a married couple in Montana who loves the outdoors, and we are attempting to start a family in…
Starting our family ❤️
Our names are Paige and Tamara . I (Paige) am 20 about to be 21 and Tamara is 22 turning…
Am going through ivf on I don’t have enough money
My name is Maxine taylor me on my husband is trying to have a child since 2016 on I can't…
Torres Family Reversal Journey ❤️
A little background on our family. My husband and I have been together for 15 years, married for 9 years.…
Arriaza’s Dream blessing
Hello My name is Joyseline Arriaza i am happily married to my husband for 5 years. We are a Christians…
Fab’s Family
I've always had bad luck in relationships. Never did I ever think that I could find the love of my…