Your Journey to Parenthood Starts Here.

Fundraise on Gift of Parenthood and win $25,000 in grant funding.


We are giving away
$25,000 in Grant Funding!

Know someone that could use it? Send some love by nominating them


Vote for one of our fundraisers by donating to their campaign:

Rated 0 out of 5

Help Courtney and Nick Grow Their Family!!

by Courtney Johnson

Charlestown, IN (US)

My name is Courtney and I have unexplained infertility and a blocked left Fallopian tube. My husband and I have…

Raised :
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Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

Journey to Baby Jeff

by Nahaysia Jefferson

Virginia Beach, VA (US)

My name is Nahaysia and I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) for those who don’t know. I have known since…

Raised :
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Days to go
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Rated 0 out of 5

Telana and Steve IVF Journey for Baby Henderson

by Telana Henderson

Branford, CT (US)

Hello my name is Telana and my husband Steve and I have been trying to have a baby for over…

Raised :
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Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

IVF for Baby Thompson

by Danielle Thompson

Rutherfordton, NC (US)

Hi! We are Matt and Danielle Thompson. We were 29 and 30 years old when our brothers set us up…

Raised :
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Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

Jovita & Mahalia | Becoming Parents

by Mahalia Aponte

Albuquerque, NM (US)

Hello! We are so excited to tell  our friends and families that we are ready to share our hearts and…

Raised :
Fundraising Goal
Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

Support our Journey to “Baby Kho” with IVF

by Jessica Kho

Puyallup, WA (US)

Hello! We are Scott and Jessica! We met 8 years ago through work and have been inseperable since. We had…

Raised :
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Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

Eggs Expiring Soon – It’s BABY McLagyi Time!

by Christine McIntire

Minot, ME (US)

You know the proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child”? Well, my friends, in this case, it’ll take…

Raised :
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Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

Vance Baby Journey

by Brittany Vance

Sterling Heights, MI (US)

UPDATE: We just went through our first fertility treatment and unfortunately it was negative. We are starting #2. Any amount…

Raised :
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Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

Journey for a long awaited little one

by Audree Carlson

Kaysville, UT (US)

This fundraiser is for my sister, Shila and her loving husband, Stephen. I have the amazing opportunity to be Shila's…

Raised :
Fundraising Goal
Days to go
Funds Raised

Start Fundraising Today

More money raised online than anywhere else. Learn about fundraising with Gift of Parenthood.
For Yourself
For a Friend
For Charity
Love, blessings and gratitude to our generous donors and partners.
❤️, Gift of Parenthood
Premiere Sponsors
Platinum Sponsors

Nominate & Vote

Announcement Date: October 1, 2024
Award Amount: $25,000
Step 1 of 2

Help spread the word!

We know that money is tight for everyone right now, so we don’t make this request lightly. If you are in a position to help, please do. If not, please spread the word.

-Gift of Parenthood



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