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$20,000 in Grant Funding!

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Campaigns by: Autumn & Ethan VanOvereem

Rated 0 out of 5

Baby Escobedo

by Veronica Escobedo

Houston, TX (US)

Hello, my name is Veronica. My husband and I have been together for about 8 years now. We were first…

Raised :
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Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

Boley Baby 2

by Brooke Boley

Beloit, OH (US)

My name is Brooke. My husband Mark and I have been trying to have a second child for about 3…

Raised :
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Rated 0 out of 5


by Heather Kifer

Baxter Springs, KANSAS (US)

Hi all!! As many of my friends and family know I struggle from undiagnosed primary infertility. A friend of mine…

Raised :
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Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

Help us fulfill our dreams

by Tyler Porter

Spring Creek, Nevada (US)

My wife and I have hit just about every road bump possible trying to conceive. We've done 6 IUIs since…

Raised :
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Days to go
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Rated 0 out of 5

Wilson Family unexplained Secondary Infertility

by Diana Wilson

Nashport, OH (US)

Unexplained Secondary infertility definition: happens when you can't get pregnant or carry a baby to term after you've been pregnant…

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Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5


by Olga Yudich

Marysville , WA (US)

As many of you know, Kyle and I began our fertility treatment journey this past February after trying for a…

Raised :
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Days to go
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Rated 0 out of 5

Thw wadsworth’s IVF journey

by Krystal Wadsworth

Syracuse, NY (US)

Hey unicorns*! Thanks for joining us on this adventure! Let's talk about how we got here. When we met 12…

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Days to go
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Rated 0 out of 5

Having our Miracle Baby

by Zachary Meadows

Princeton, WV (US)

Hi my name is Zachary Meadows. My story begins at the age of seven years old when I was diagnosed…

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Rated 0 out of 5

Adrian’s Journey to Fatherhood

by Oscar Aguilar

Arlington, TX (US)

My name is Adrian Aguilar and this is my journey to Fatherhood so far. Every child has it's own dream…

Raised :
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Days to go
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Rated 0 out of 5

Killarney Fertility Journey ❤️

by Katelyn Robbins

Niles , MI (US)

My sister, Alyssa, and brother in law, Josh, married in October of 2020. They both dreamed of having children one…

Raised :
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Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

Help us get our Rainbow baby!

by Rachel Krafft

Florissant, MO (US)

Hello! My name is Rachel Krafft. My partner Amy Stucke and I have been trying for our miracle baby for…

Raised :
Fundraising Goal
Days to go
Funds Raised
Rated 0 out of 5

Unlocking the door to motherhood

by Ashley Jones

Rockford , IL (US)

My name is Ashley and I have been trying to conceive for over 10 years off and on to put…

Raised :
Fundraising Goal
Days to go
Funds Raised

Help spread the word!

We know that money is tight for everyone right now, so we don’t make this request lightly. If you are in a position to help, please do. If not, please spread the word.

-Gift of Parenthood


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